ESE Lightning Arrester
Forecast Earthings range is a fully tested family of stainless steel air terminals in compliance to NFC 17-102. This early streamer emission (ESE) air terminal is a cost-effective solution and is easy to install.
Early streamer emission (ESE) air terminals are especially effective for lightning protection of industrial sites, administrative or public buildings, monuments and open-air sites such as sports grounds, farming grounds etc.
An Early Streamer Emission air terminal, also known as ESE or as an ionizing lightning rod, is an external lightning protection system with innovative technology. This ESE air terminal is also known as active lightning rod.
At its start, the lightning bolt travels through a downward leader that propagates in jumps in any direction. When the bolt approaches the ground, it can hit any object. The aim of the lightning rod is to become the point of discharge of the bolt in order to achieve a controlled impact without damage.
The ESE air terminal emits a continuous upward leader with time of advance to anticipate the descent of lightning and capture it before any other object within its protection area. The time of advance of the ESE determines the protection radius of the ESE air terminal: the more the upward leader anticipates, the higher the downward leader is captured and prevents lightning strikes in a larger area.